You Don’t Have to Go Home for the Holidays: How to Keep Your Sanity in Check When You Come from a Toxic Family

You may cringe every time you hear Andy Williams sing the classic, “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year.” You’re not a Grinch if you feel this way. You just may be dreading going home for the holidays.

If you come from a toxic or abusive family, the feeling of obligation to spend time with them over the holidays can be enough to bring on anxiety. But you have a choice in the matter. Probably much more than you think you do.

I was interviewed by Bustle about signs of toxic family gatherings and strategies to help deal with holiday depression and anxiety related to going home for the holidays.

I’ve helped hundreds (if not a thousand) of people navigate through tricky relationships, including those of our family of origin. If you are in need of support or a better understanding of how to move past our original family life lessons, please reach out to me and see how I can be a resource for you.


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